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Australian Cricket Society

I am proud to be president and gold partner of the Australian Cricket Society, now approaching its 50th year.

Members receive 10 per cent off their orders on everything on my website – including new and secondhand books, memorabilia and photographs.

There are also many other bonuses including:

  • Two Membership Tickets – one for yourself and another for a Guest allowing free entry for Sheffield Shield matches played by the Victorian Bushrangers;
  • Pavilion magazine, our award-winning flagship annual publication:
  • Quarterly issues of the all-colour Scoresheet Newsletter which keeps Members informed of the activities and functions run by the Society.
  • Opportunities to share in our cricket-loving fraternity and attend our functions which in 2015 included our 48th annual dinner with our Patron, Ricky Ponting, a Nostalgia Luncheon featuring 1970s heroes Graham Yallop, Ian Callen and Jeff Moss and a Football Season Launch function with Francis Bourke, a long-time member.

The majority of our functions are held at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club which is an excellent facility in every way. ACS Members (and their partners) receive a discount when attending.

We also have a playing side with two teams: the Wandering XI and the Over 60s which in 2015 contest the Australian championships in Hobart.

The Society also sponsors budding young cricketers, male and female, to Bryce McGain’s Elite Cricket Academy on three-year scholarships and are also active in providing support to the Ponting Foundation.

Our Gold Partners include Travel Specialists, Events World Wide which provide generous terms on travel and accommodation within Australia and overseas. Events also hosted our 2015 European adventure which included two of the Ashes Test matches. A group of almost 20 ACS members, partners and friends attended.


$60 for those living within Victoria and $30 for those interstate.

Junior membership is $30 and includes many extras.

Please go to for more details