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A signed Tigers Roar: recommended

In 1997, Cricket Tasmania had a staff of 12 and an annual turnover of $4 mill. Twenty years later, there is a staff of 60, a professional playing group and a turnover of $20 mill. Tigers Roar tells the story of how a divided, cash-less cricketing backwater, shunned by mainlanders, rose in importance to produce […]

The top 100 Test solos of all

There’s something strangely seducing about Cricket Lists. They beguile, entice — and irritate. How could only two Australians be ranked among the top 10 bowling performances in Test history?

Cricket Book of the Year!

My Pictorial History of Australian Test Cricket has been awarded the best Australian cricket book for 2016 by Sean Ehlers from CricketWeb wrote: ‘The photos were exquisite and the accompanied writing excellent. You have certainly set the bar high for any future pictorial histories. Congratulations again on a wonderful book, all our readers thoroughly enjoyed it.’

A delightful night with Wasim Akram

It was one of life’s great privileges to have watched Wasim Akram in full-throttle, advancing from 17 paces, over or around the wicket and making even the oldest ball talk. To hear him speak at our Christmas with Wasim function was a joy and one of our most distinguished Australian Cricket Society members Don McQueen […]